Episode # 713-

Previously on Dawson's Creek...

Cut to by the fire

PACEY: You're a storyteller, you know? You see everything and you figure out what it means. You see the look on those kids faces as you were telling that story tonight? How caught up they were. You're the guy who builds this fantastic world. You just let the rest of us live in it.

DAWSON: These days it doesn't feel so fantastic.

PACEY: It will, bro.


Cut to the bridge

JOEY: You invaded my privacy!

DAWSON: What I'm curious about is What does Joey Potter really think about me?


Cut to Hell's Kitchen

HETSON: Your heartfelt rant to what's his name proved good fodder for the topic at hand. It's hard to write that sex stuff, which you aptly proved. And if, by chance, one day you manage to get your writing circulated beyond the campus in box, there will always be an irritable writer type claiming to do better.

And now...
...an all-new Dawson's Creek