Episode # 703-
Animal House

Previously on Dawson's Creek...

Cut to LA, where Pacey and Dawson are shaking hands.

V.O.(Todd): He’s charismatic, knows what people want to hear…I want you to make him your assistant.

DAWSON: Can you promise me you won’t screw this up?

PACEY: I can’t promise that, Dawson. I can’t…not with my track record. But what I can promise you is that I’ll do my best not to.

DAWSON: Welcome to the world of filmmaking!


Cut to Worthington, with Joey introducing Audrey and Chris

CHRIS: Uh…hi!

AUDREY: (laughing) Oh yeah, Joey! He's real smooth!


Cut back to LA...

PACEY: I just got off the phone with Jen. Remember their house? Well, nobody ended up buying it, so it’s still there. They’re giving it to us.


At the house, Andie is talking to Pacey

ANDIE: I missed you so much.

PACEY: (whispering) The feeling is definitely mutual


And outside

AUDREY: Why’d you help out back there?

CHRIS: I just don't want to see anyone get hurt.


Cut to the nightclub. Chris pulls a guy away from Andie and punches him.

And now...
...an all-new Dawson's Creek